
Doll Time

When I was a little girl I wasn't exposed to a new age reality of media. It was the late 80's and the begging go the 90's.
Back then I wasn't aware of how important it is to own a Barbie doll and don't get me wrong I had one, actually, I had several of them is just that I didn't know how to play with them at all.
When I was 8 I moved to Mexico City, what a change, but since I got asthma, I couldn't go out and play little a so-called normal girl.
The first time that I went out to play with my neighbors, It was a revealing experience, I had been watching from my window how they played and how they borrow stuff, so I assume that the game was really interesting and nice.
That day I went to play with my dolls, I remember they where beautiful almost new, since I didn't pay with them at all, Then I realize that the game was a little bit boring because they where emulating REAL life as they see it, getting married, having boyfriends, compiling with each other to see who had the most expensive and new doll.
I was really shocked that I thought the game was about gaming using every little part of our imagination and not trying that hard to be like the so-called best one.
I remember telling my mom that day, mom why they try to not be themselves, why are they trying so hard to be all the same ??
OMG, when I look backward I think that a really important issue that keeps on standing out in every single aspect of my life.

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